Unity Editor 2021.3 LTS on Linux: Works, but…

I’ll keep this short, but while Unity Editor 2021.3 LTS works on Linux-based system, it has a flaw that hurt my eyeballs while using it. Granted, I haven’t spent a lot of time using Unity on Linux (apart from using the compiled Unity Players on Linux), here’s my experience so far… The Good For starters,…

Unity, why fail a build if the build directory isn’t empty?

When building a project using Unity 2020 LTS (probably 2019 as well), if you build a Mono project inside a directory that has a IL2CPP build of the same or different project, you’ll get an error saying that you shouldn’t build a Mono/IL2CPP project inside a existing Mono/IL2CPP build directory. And that fails the entire…

FixedUpdate, Networking Cycles and Mirror Networking

Alright, it’s time for a blog update and this one might be a bit of a doozy but here goes nothing. Originally, I wanted to do a post of a rant about some “micro optimizations” being rejected from Mirror, but that’ll be another day. For those who aren’t familiar with Mirror Networking, it’s a network…

Mirror Networking: List Server “Missing chunk error” (Outdated installed erlang version)

Time for a change of pace and this time it’s a Mirror Networking post. The Problem Sometimes when you have purchased the Mirror List Server, which is written in Erlang and is a very robust old-school list server (think Quake/Call of Duty/Battlefield 1942) interface following the KISS principle, you’ll face an error regarding Erlang on…